A critical mistake you should avoid when setting Nginx.conf
You can setup a website using many types of frameworks. But, no matter what framework you use, you always need a web server engine, such...
Customize WordPress footer and WooCommerce footer
There are plenty of blogs talking about how to modify WordPress footer. But, I really can’t find one that shows a practical way to get...
[RESOLVED] Running Puppeteer on cloud Linux server got error: Failed to load GLES library: …/chrome-linux/libGLESv2.so: cannot open shared object file: Permission denied
After searching tons of pages and trying plenty of parameters, I found that only keeping these three parameters ‘–no-sandbox’, ‘–disable-setuid-sandbox’, ‘–disable-gpu’ for launching the Puppeteer...
How to set 301 or 302 redirects for your domain on CyberPanel?
Undoubtedly, it’s pretty popular and easy to redirect HTTP requests to HTTPS for a website. But to beginners on CyberPanel, it’s not as plain as...